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Ford Family Cemetery

The final resting place of Henry and Clara Ford.

Here you can find the graves of many members of the Ford and Ruddimen families, including Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford I. Ford's funeral was the largest in Detroit history. On April 10, 1947, the city of Detroit came to a standstill as Ford was taken to his final resting place in this cemetery. Buses, streetcars and motorists came to a halt, gas stations statewide shut down and 100,000 Ford employees came to pay their respects to this legend of the auto industry.

Phone: (248) 281-2020
The final resting place for many from the Ford and Ruddimen families including Henry Ford I. The cemetery resides on the grounds of St. Martha's Commons which was purchased by Henry Ford's great-grandfather, George Ford. The former St. Martha's Episcopal Church building is also located on the grounds, built by Clara Bryant Ford and named in memory of her mother. The final resting place for many from the Ford and Ruddimen families including Henry Ford I. The cemetery resides on the grounds of St. Martha's Commons which was purchased by Henry Ford's great-grandfather, George Ford. The former St. Martha's Episcopal Church building is also located on the grounds, built by Clara Bryant Ford and named in memory of her mother.

15808 Joy Road
Detroit, MI 48224