MotorCities National Heritage Area logo

 April 24, 2019

WHAT: National Heritage Area Group Sees Fair Lane Restoration and Hears from Congresswoman Dingell 

WHEN: Wednesday, April 24, from 6 – 6:45 p.m.

WHERE: Fair Lane, the Home of Clara & Henry Ford, 1 Fair Lane Dr., Dearborn

WHO: As part of the Alliance of National Heritage Areas Spring Meeting hosted by the MotorCities National Heritage Area Partnership, staff from National Heritage Areas around the country will have the opportunity to see restoration efforts underway in the century-old mansion, hear from Congresswoman Debbie Dingell on current legislation of interest to the group and see the unveiling of new highway signs soon to be deployed around the state promoting MotorCities.

Speakers will include:

1.      Michael O’Callaghan, MotorCities Chair and Vice President of the Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau

2.      Mark Heppner, President & CEO, Edsel & Eleanor Ford House

3.      Robert Bury, President & CEO, Fair Lane, the Home of Clara & Henry Ford

4.      Congresswoman Debbie Dingell


5.      MotorCities Executive Director Shawn Pomaville-Size